Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Two Love Stories in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

The Pride and Prejudice is classical love novel by Jane Austen. It is illustration of two love stories, one between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy Fitzwilliam and the other between Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley. The story starts off with the arrival of two young wealthy men one being Charles Bingley and the other being, Darcy Fitzwilliam. The Bennet family, a local family in the town, has two daughters who are of marrying age. The Bennet family sees this as an opportunity and attempts to find proper suitors for their daughters. One suitor is a distant cousin of Elizabeth named Mr. Collins and another being Darcy Fitzwilliam. The proposals of both Mr. Collins and Darcy were similar in that they use they use logos and pathos but lack the use of ethos. The lack of ethos was the detrimental factor for Elizabeth’s denial of both Mr. Collins and Darcy Fitzwilliam. Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy are similar in their logos appeal. Mr. Collins has three reasons why he wanted to marry Elizabeth Bennet. â€Å"My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it is a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like myself) to set to set the example of matrimony in his parish; second, that I am convinced that it will add very greatly to my happiness; and thirdly-which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness...† (19.1,2). As a clergyman it would set an example byShow MoreRelatedEssay on Jane Austin and Pride Prejudice1457 Words   |  6 PagesJane Austin is currently known today as one of the women who first developed the ideas related to feminism (Abrams). Jane’s work became prevalent in English literature during time of transition from neo-classicism to romanticism (Abrams). She was influenced by a number of other literary figures of her time, and by the society in which she lived. Her writing sometimes reflected earlier writers, whom she sometimes mocked because they always portrayed a perfect world in their writing and the world wasRead More Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice1216 Words   |  5 PagesJane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin was and English writer who wrote during the early 1800’s. She was born and brought up in Seventon, Hampshire, Southern England. She was born the fifth child to a family of seven and began writing for family amusement as a child. Of her â€Å"six great novels†, four were published anonymously and two were published under her signature after her death. Her anonymous novels were â€Å"Sense and Sensibility†, â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, Mansfield Park† and â€Å"Emma†Read MoreLiving in Social Classes in Jane Austins Novels816 Words   |  3 PagesJane Austin is a great author from the 1800s. I really enjoyed the few books of hers, that I did get around to reading .I enjoyed the movie adaptions even more, Jane focused on things she thought about and used humor to point out the lives of the middle class, the wealthy, nobility, and families in different financial standings, battling to keep up or with their social status. Jane puts most of her focus and writing into the importance of marriage. She lived with her family her entire lifeRead MoreAnalysis of Chapter 11 of Pride and Prejudice Essay786 Words   |  4 PagesChapter 11 of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen opens with two lines from the third person, or omniscient narrator, who is focalizing through Elizabeth Bennett. Focalizing, meaning that it is the narrators voice that speaks, but we see through the eyes of the characters, gives us the chance to understand the characters without direct dialogue. 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