Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Romeo and Juliet Maturity free essay sample

To Mature or Not to Mature? Maturity plays a key role in love, especially when it comes to young love. In the play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† by William Shakespeare, two characters Romeo and Juliet, exhibit the importance of being mature, and the reason why maturity influences people’s actions and emotions. Sometimes maturity can be seen through Juliet, and other times it is the exact opposite and can be seen through Romeo. Firstly, Juliet expresses her maturity by respecting her elders and accepting their wishes. Juliet obediently agrees with her mother of accepting Paris’ love and marriage proposal without hesitation, even though she seemed to not be too fond of the idea, stating that she will â€Å"look to like, if looking liking move. /But no more deep will I endart mine eye/ than your consent gives strength to make it fly† (1. 4. 50-51). This shows that even though Juliet is just turning fourteen, she is well beyond her years when it comes to respect and maturity. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Maturity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, once she meets Romeo, her priorities start to become crooked. After knowing Romeo for only a couple of hours, if not minutes, Juliet shows her true age when she finds out who Romeo actually was; saying â€Å" If he be married/my grave is like to be my wedding bed† (1. 5. 148-149). In stating this, she is saying that she will rather die than marry someone else. Seeing as that they have only known each other for a short period of time, and it seems that Juliet has already fallen in love with Romeo, Juliet shows that she can be immature at times because of her rushing in to love. Unlike Juliet, Romeo is depicted as an emotional, but headstrong character that is sometimes blinded with the idea of love. When Mercutio and Benvolio thought it was a good idea to go to the party at the Capulet’s household Romeo was wise enough to realize the dangers in going to the ball saying that â€Å" And we mean well in going to this masque, / But tis no wit to go† (1. 4. 50-51). By him stating this he shows that he is wise enough to know that it would not end well by going to the Capulet’s masquerade ball. This also shows how mature Romeo can be when everyone else around him is acting oolish. Nevertheless, Romeo can be immature when it comes to love. After feeling down because he was rejected by Rosaline in the morning, Romeo seemed to have forgotten all about her and his broken heart by the evening, after seeing Juliet for the first time saying â€Å"Did my heart love till now? For swear it, sight, / for I have ne’er saw true beauty till this nig ht† (1. 5. 59-60). By him saying this, it revealed that Romeo wasn’t in love with Rosaline; he was lovesick, which also reveals how spontaneous and immature his love with Juliet is. As seen in the play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, by William Shakespeare, maturity plays a big role in love and how characters can act upon their feelings and emotions. Juliet is less mature than Romeo when it comes to her being so young and naive that she does not know how to control her feelings. And Romeo is less mature than Juliet when it comes to him being spontaneous after being blinded by love. Not only does this play show that Romeo and Juliet are both immature, but it also shows that the more mature person is, which would be Romeo. All in all, maturity shapes a relationship and it can either make or break one too.

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