Thursday, September 3, 2020

Voluntary Activities in UAE-Free-Samples

Question: Talk about the Policies with respect to making intentional administrations compulsory in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the understudies. Answer: Presentation The motivation behind this report is to feature the arrangements with respect to making willful administrations required in the Universities of Abu Dhabi for the understudies. In this specific circumstance, it is likewise a self evident certainty that the arrangements with respect to this issue is material to the understudies who have taken on the administration colleges just as private colleges in Abu Dhabi. Extent of this paper The strategies made are material to all the college understudies of Abu Dhabi with some excluded classifications. The paper gives the necessary subtleties in this unique circumstance and investigates how chipping in administrations by the understudies can be significant for the instructive associations just as for the network. Qualification The understudies must be of the age gathering of 18 to 30 years. Understudies ought not have any past criminal record. All the understudies ought to get a testament for finishing intentional help in a college of in any event 20 hours of work done. The warning board will manage the understudies to pick the best appropriate zone of work for them. No accomplishment declaration will be presented by any authorize association will be perceived in the field of deliberate work for the colleges. Fundamental necessities All the understudies of the colleges should work in any event 20 hours of willful help so as to get a level of graduation. The understudies would need to submit official authentication from their work place so as to approve their willful help. Just confirmed associations can give this sort of declarations. Obligations of the understudies The understudies of the colleges need to comply with the standards and guidelines set by his Greatness in regards to intentional administrations at the colleges, so as to get a legitimate level of graduation. The associations who get deliberate administrations from the understudies ought to anticipate secrecy. Observing assessment and survey Strategy 1: This specific strategy will be recipient for the understudies also for the overseeing council of the colleges. On the off chance that the understudies get an authentication from the perceived colleges, at that point just it would be checked that, that specific understudy has offered intentional assistance to the college and afterward just deciding by the endorsement the administration of the University would hand over the level of graduation (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). By along these lines the clearness will be kept up. Strategy 2: As per this approach, the association where the understudies worked will assess the understudies execution and their assurance and afterward just choose whether the understudy is qualified to gain an endorsement of intentional help or not (Haddad, 2015). This arrangement is useful on the grounds that it would keep up the parity in regards to the understudies who are qualified to get the degree or not. Strategy 3: As indicated by this strategy the associations where the understudies will give deliberate assistance will ensure that the understudies are joining in and taking an interest such that they become qualified to acquire an endorsement. This approach will assist with keeping up an amicability and furthermore ensures that no understudy is abandoned. Strategy 4: As indicated by this approach, there will be a network administration office where they will ensure that they will assist the colleges with measuring the presentation level of the understudies (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). This strategy will guarantee that all understudies are being checked and their commitment for the colleges is valuable for the administration. Strategy 5: The approach 5 pronounces that there will be an official in every network who will guarantee that the understudies under his purview will locate an appropriate work for him that would fill the need of the college. Under this arrangement it is likewise referenced that the concerned official will ensure that each piece of this specific framework, similar to the colleges, associations and the understudies are proactively doing their piece of work (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). Alongside those it would be the obligation of that official to give appropriate input to the understudies, colleges and the associations. Significance of intentional assistance It very well may be said that the approaches that express that it is significant that the understudies of the colleges ought to offer a willful assistance to the network are advantageous for the understudies too for the colleges and for the networks. The volunteers are the significant assets to help and bolster the scholastic and inviting condition in the instructive foundations. His Greatness of UAE comprehends that volunteer administrations of the understudies are a noteworthy piece of the training framework as by this the understudies will confront all the more genuine circumstance before graduating and they will grow a dream with respect to how to function effectively in the expert life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Aside from that, it very well may be said that, as a rule, the understudies go for offering intentional types of assistance to support any association or to accumulate ongoing involvement with the field of work. It very well may be said that most of the understud ies of Abu Dhabi University are commonly roused by the desire to improve their expert capacities. The understudies of Universalities see the intentional administrations like their initial step of getting utilized (Haddad, 2015). As offering willful types of assistance would assist them with brushing up their aptitudes or to grow new abilities. The understudy volunteers may give significant commitment to the business associations alongside to the network. From the understudies a new excitement is discovered that can drive the current representatives to work more and this can conceivably spur the genuine representatives to improve their work rate. Assurance of condition Right now there are different projects in regards to ecological assurance and territories of vitality sparing, where nowadays the volunteers effectively partake and upgrades the work rate. There are a few examples in UAE, where the understudies took part in network reusing venture. In these cases, the volunteers likewise get occupied with forest planting, peat protection and in carbon balancing exercises (Holdsworth Brewis, 2014). From the insights, it is seen that almost 80% of the understudies take a gander at their compulsory volunteer administrations as a method of picking up work understanding and the authentication they secure from that specific association, in view of the comments, the understudy may show signs of improvement openings for work. Over 60% of the alumni who has served in any business association have expressed that the authentications they got from those associations, caused significantly to land great positions later on, and separated from that those intentional administrations prepared them to take difficulties in genuine expert life (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). Growing new aptitudes While offering intentional types of assistance, the understudies get a chance to meet new people and that extends their insight and causes them to feel some portion of a network. Out of the considerable number of understudies, in any event 70% of them encountered that these willful administrations helped them to create intrapersonal aptitudes they have assembled information with respect to numerous points that have helped them to advance in their expert vocations (Andersen, Heinesen Pedersen, 2014). Along these lines the understudies will gain admittance to the better chances of chipping in and thusly they will get the important help to develop more in their separate field of work in future. His Highness of UAE comprehended that legislature; instructive establishments and the non-benefit association must address the negative perspectives and attempt to expand the interest of the understudy populace in chipping in. Along these lines the young people of the age gathering of 18 to 30 years of age are by and large focused on (Malouf, Selakovi? Ljepava, 2016). It tends to be said that youthful age offer deliberate types of assistance as the significant inspiration is chance to improve work, however separated from that, they will have the option to grow new aptitudes that may support the person in question in not so distant future (Alzaghal Momani, 2017). Willful administrations can upgrade an understudies improvement with respect to their scholarly field and they can have more extension in regards to picking the way of their profession. Aside from that chipping in can assist the understudies with building their municipal obligations. Advantages of instructive segment by the willful administrations In UAE the volunteers contribute colossally in the instructive segment as the schools and the colleges are the most significant zones to chip in for the college and the school understudies. As training framework is one of te most significant concentration for the creation of approaches by the administration, everything can't be actualized without the proactive administrations of the volunteers (Aljifri et al., 2014). As along these lines the people who offers willful administrations likewise gets profited, the legislature of UAE has made it compulsory for the understudies of the colleges of Abu Dhabi to chip in at any rate 20 hours administrations at any association so as to accomplish the level of graduation. It is seen that in UAE the understudy volunteers delivered administrations worth very nearly 50 billion US dollars in scholastic, non-benefit association an in network works. This can be viewed as an accomplishment and achievement of executing such guidelines. Apr from just the money related advantages, it very well may be seen that by this kind of exercises the understudies alongside the networks profit by the approaches actualized by His Highness of UAE (Allen Galiano, 2017). These understudy volunteers assume the job of an extension that associates the various pieces of the general public and the greater part of the associations detailed that they encountered joint effort with government and other private area. Products and ventures gave by the volunteers The volunteers offer great types of assistance and open merchandise particularly when those are not accessible because of shortage in the market or because of the disappointment of th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exploring the Biological Perspective on Depression

Roughly 80% of individuals who experience melancholy are presently not accepting any treatment. This measurement Is pitiful in light of the fact that downturn Is one of the most treatable Illnesses. Whenever treated with the correct drug and additionally treatment, 80% to 90% will discover help. Continuously 2020, sadness will be the second most normal medical issue on the planet (SYS). I accept gloom to be an exceptionally Interesting point in light of the fact that as regular as wretchedness may be, there is as yet a shame connected to â€Å"being discouraged. † I right now experience the ill effects of melancholy and might want to find out about it and the various medications that are available.In this examination, I will clarify, talk about, and expand upon the perspective, presumptions, qualities, and shortcomings of the organic point of view on sadness. The natural point of view centers around how the cerebrum capacities and the impact of hereditary qualities on conduct. Hence, the natural point of view clarifies sorrow as it identifies with the elements of the mind. There are about ten million cells, called neurons, In your mind and every neuron associates with another neuron. At the point when the association is made, it is as an electrical motivation which goes down the associations between neurons.The neurons that convey these electrical driving forces contain little holes called neurotransmitters. These are significant in light of the fact that they permit electrical movement, and consequently cerebrum working, to happen. All together for a drive (or message) to move between different neuron over the synapses neuron. Various significant catalysts, called synapses, need to become possibly the most important factor. Altogether there six distinct gatherings of synapses and every one is explicit to a specific kind of synapse. From the perspective of gloom, the principle synapses are serotonin and noradrenalin, now and then called morphogenesis Pri est).When we are discouraged, physical changes occur inside our bodies. The most Important of these progressions happens inside the mind. It Is on this premise discouragement is viewed as a physical sickness, as opposed to just something mental or something that exists just in the creative mind or impression of the ‘OFF victim (Pretest). I nerve Is an invalid degree AT variety among individuals Walt discouragement as far as manifestations, course of sickness, and reaction to treatment, demonstrating that downturn may have various complex and associating causes.These shifting entertainers represent a significant test to scientists endeavoring to comprehend and treat the confusion (Psych Central). Be that as it may, late advances in inquire about innovation are bringing National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers closer than any time in recent memory to portraying the science and physiology of melancholy in its various structures and to the chance of distinguishing co mpelling medications for people dependent on side effect presentation.People who experience the ill effects of sorrow have low degrees of these two synapses, and this is thought to prompt the principle side effects of low temperament, owe-vitality, discouraged point of view, upset rest and a low drive or excitement which relates back to the meaning of despondency. The qualities of the organic viewpoint that identify with melancholy are the way that downturn is fundamentally a consequence of low degrees of specific synapses. Another explanation could be an unevenness of hormones, which would clarify why about twice the same number of ladies as men are influenced by a burdensome sickness each year.The impact of hormones on misery in ladies has been a functioning region of NIMH explore. One ongoing investigation was the first to exhibit that the inconvenient burdensome disposition wings and physical side effects of premenstrual condition (MS), a confusion influencing 3% to 7% of bleedi ng ladies, results from an anomalous reaction to typical hormone changes during the menstrual cycle. The hormonal framework that directs the body reaction to push is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HAP) pivot. It is overactive in numerous patients with depression.The nerve center, the cerebrum locale answerable for overseeing hormone discharge from organs all through the body, builds creation of a substance called company discharging factor (CRY), when a danger to physical or mental prosperity is recognized. Raised levels and impacts of CRY lead to expanded hormone discharge by the pituitary and adrenal organs which readies the body for guarded activity. NIMH inquire about proposes that persevering over actuation of this hormonal framework may lay the foundation for depression.The raised CRY levels distinguishable in discouraged patients are decreased by treatment with stimulant medications or ACT, and this decrease relates to progress in burdensome indications [ (Psych Central) In the sixties, the organic point of view got predominant because of various achievements in hereditary qualities, psychopathology, neurophysiology, and mind explore. Hereditary research has additionally had the option to show bolster that natural components assume a solid job in depression.Close family members of individuals who experience the ill effects of discouragement were seen as increasingly vulnerable to melancholy in contrast with individuals of everybody. There has been broad research done on attempting to recognize the quality that causes wretchedness. Nonetheless, it has been difficult to recognize the quality and scientists feel that there are a few qualities that add to wretchedness, implying that every quality makes a little commitment. Psychopathology gives more proof that the natural point of view is the essential Doctor In abuse. Ever ten past reserve, directed carpet hawks NAS lea to huge advances in the pharmacological administration of misery. In the backtalk the presentation of the particular serotonin eruptive inhibitors (Girls), into clinical medication was proclaimed as the â€Å"first class† of antidepressants with a specific activity on a key neurological objective in sorrow, in particular serotonin. The specific serotonin eruptive inhibitors (Girls) are the most generally utilized antidepressants cause they are anything but difficult to utilize, and their reactions are preferred endured over those of more seasoned antidepressants.The most every now and again utilized Girls are Florentine (Approach), serialize (Zloty), child rearing (Paxar), and Catalonian (Clean). A more up to date stimulant is ventilating (Officer), which is firmly identified with the Girls. Upper meds take half a month to be clinically compelling despite the fact that they start to modify cerebrum science with the absolute first portion. Research presently shows that stimulant impacts result from moderate beginning versatile changes inside the neurons.The certainty that a discouraged individual can take an energizer and feel better demonstrates that downturn is primarily the consequence of the organic point of view [ (â€Å"Pharmacology and Depression† Pumped. Gob) Neurophysiology is a part of clinical brain science that reviews how the cerebrum and sensory system influence how we work consistently. Not at all like the utilization of normalizing procedures, for example, MR., CT outputs and Egg's the place the attention is on sensory system structures, neurophysiology tries to see how the different parts of the cerebrum can do their Jobs.Clinical neurophysiology makes SE of different appraisal strategies to discover capacity and brokenness and applies this information to assess, treat, and restore people with suspected or exhibited neurological or mental issues [ (Rightful. Com) In the previous decade, there have been noteworthy advances in our capacity to explore cerebrum work at different levels. The National Institute of Me ntal Health (NIMH) is teaming up with different logical controls to adequately use the instruments of sub-atomic and cell science and genetics.Modern mind imaging advancements re uncovering that in discouragement, neural circuits answerable for the guideline of dispositions, thinking, rest, craving, and conduct neglect to work appropriately, and that basic synapses, synthetic concoctions utilized by nerve cells to impart, are maybe out of parity [ (Psych Central) The shortcomings of the natural point of view are that it doesn't consider your condition, society, and culture. The social point of view clarifies psychological instability as a scholarly reaction to upgrades. From a conduct point of view, learning scholars expect that downturn and the absence of support are related.Most analysts believe that downturn results from a collaboration between the individual's organic qualities and mental weakness and the event of distressing occasions throughout their life [ (Huckleberry) The s ocio-social viewpoint portrays sadness as the consequence of social, financial, and social variables. Solid proof of this is appeared among individuals living in neediness. What's more, there are different components, for example, the present high pace of joblessness and survivors of social catastrophes like war. In ten manliest point of view, an individual's Taller to Tina importance In Tie or to legitimate their latent capacity can be credited to depression.Abraham Mascot was an American analyst who was most popular for his hypothesis of human inspiration, which prompted a restorative procedure known as self-completion. Mascot recommended that an individual is inspired by a pecking order of requirements. A people fundamental needs should be met before higher ones can be fulfilled. Organized all together from most minimal to most elevated in a chain of importance, the requirements are physiological (fulfillment of appetite and thirst), wellbeing (security), belongingness and love ( being adored, staying away from forlornness), regard accomplishment, acknowledgment, confidence), self-completion (acknowledgment of one's full potential).Mascot likewise accepted that the accomplishment of self-realization is frequently set apart by top encounters, sentiments of mind boggling harmony and joy throughout life exercises. When these, chain of importance of necessities that Mascot discusses are not met like being desolate, having low confidence, and not arriving at ones maximum capacity in relationship with the natural components, you have a re

Friday, August 21, 2020

On the Subway Essay

â€Å"On the Subway† is a sonnet by Sharon Olds that unfurls â€Å"to pass on a feeling of dread, vagueness, disparity, and downtown pressure. The circumstance is set by the title, and this makes all that follows clear the extent that its significance is concerned.†(para. 1). Ms. Olds recounts to the story through the storyteller who while riding the train sees that she is distant from everyone else with a youthful dark kid. â€Å"While nothing truly occurs past the two watching one another, the sonnet despite everything figures out how to reveal insight to disparity, partiality, and stereotypes.†(para 1). The sonnet starts with the storyteller recounting to the tale of both of only them on the metro train through her perceptions and inclined partialities. There are numerous Symbolic references about class, race, and disparity made all through the story. As the story starts the principal representative reference unfurls as the storyteller depicts the boy’s feet and his shoes. As she proceeds to additionally portray the boy’s shoe bands we get the feeling of the awkwardness of equity of the races. While the tennis shoes themselves are dark the bands are white and structure a mind boggling design which is alluded to as deliberate scars. The creator utilizes the white bands to represent the irregularity of intensity that the little fellow has had have more capacity to look as a minority. They likewise recommend that since the bands keep the shoes on or together that they. The bands could likewise be emblematic of the markings left on the boys’ progenitors once upon a time when they were slaves and had gotten a beating along these lines bearing the scars of the beating. The lady additionally utilizes the boy’s dress to additionally represent the generalizations and the treacheries between the races. She is dreadful of the kid in view of the sort of dress that he wears. She feels that since he is wearing apparel that is viewed as progressively urban and open that he was dressed like somebody who might be a mugger. The lady who was dressed in hide was secured. The lady is frightful of being assaulted in light of the fact that she is increasingly well-to-do and consequently even more an objective. Both the kid and the lady are estimating one another and without truly knowing each other the two of them have their own sentiments about one another. The kid realizes that since the lady is a white lady she is canvassed in hide and along these lines she has more fortune and influence. The lady is genuinely frightful of the kid on account of her own biased considerations about race. She can't look passed what the kid resembles lady is unsure of the kid . She takes a gander at him with dread that he can assault her at any second on account of her prosperity. The creator keeps on talking about the detachment of races by examining how much simpler it is to be a White individual than it is to be an African American. The sonnet demonstrates that being white offers benefits that being African American doesn't. It is the shade of her skin that has given her better chance and isolated her from the kid on the train. This sonnet is significant today as it embodies generalizations and disparities that are as yet present in our general public. The lady on the train speaks to riches and influence. The kid speaks to botched chance and destitution. The lady on the train expected that she would have been assaulted by the kid on the train just in view of past encounters and making decisions on somebody essentially dependent on the shade of his skin and how he was dressed. Odds are that had the kid on the train been white the lady on the train would not have a similar dread or feel a similar way. Indeed, even in our general public today we have individuals who rush to make rash decisions while not having the real factors or settling on a choice dependent on past experience. I likewise figure the sonnet references some empathy between the kid and the lady before the finish of the sonnet as the lady specifies that the two races can be misjudged and that them two can get injured or be hurt by being judged. They each have battles that they need to survive.

Monday, June 8, 2020

UVA Darden MBA Student Interview

Here’s a talk with UVA Darden student blogger, Caroline Kalinoski, a second-year student with lots of advice to share about the application process, Darden clubs and courses, and favorite study spots on campus. Thank you Caroline and best of luck to you! (You can read more about Caroline’s b-school adventure on her blog, The Rolling Ship.) This interview is the latest in an blog series featuring interviews with current MBA students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top MBA programs. We hope to offer you a candid picture of student life, and what you should consider as you prepare your MBA application. Accepted: First, can you tell us a little about yourself – where are you from, where did you go to school and when did you graduate? What is the last book you read for fun? Caroline: I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and then went to undergrad at Northwestern University, where I majored in Learning and Organizational Change. I graduated from college in 2007, and moved to Washington, DC where I worked in research and consulting in the HR practice for Corporate Executive Board. And a book I’ve recently read for fun†¦Ha! With three cases a day, I don’t have much extra time or energy for additional reading. Even this summer when I thought I’d get to read for fun, I was reading Too Big to Fail by Andrew Sorkin and Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg for my internship (both happened to be very interesting). However, I’ll be reading Killer Angels by Michael Shaara for the reading seminar I’m taking next term on leadership during the Battle of Gettysburg, which I probably would have read for fun anyways. Accepted: What is your favorite thing about UVA Darden? Caroline: How much everyone goes out of their way to help each other. I love that Darden is incredibly competitive, in that everyone is always pushing to be the best both inside the classroom and out. But what makes this work is that success isn’t seen as a zero-sum game: helping your classmates succeed won’t hurt your ability to succeed. Instead, helping others actually contributes to our success. You can see that ethic in classmates offering to explain concepts to each other and many even teaching review sessions to the whole class. Or in how much time in our nightly learning team meetings that team members take to make sure everyone understands and is prepared to present the case in class. Outside of class, we see it all the time in people offering their cars to those who don’t have them or driving classmates to the grocery store each week. I’ve found that this ethic even extends to the alumni, who are always willing to take time out of their day to speak with current students. Accepted: If you could change one thing about the program, what would it be? Caroline: Within the first year, I found it difficult to connect with second year students just given how different our schedules were. However, thanks to the dedication of the program to collecting feedback (many will tell you we’re surveyed to death) and continuously improving, there have been a lot of changes this year to encourage more interaction between the first and second year classes. It’s great to see how quickly things can change. Accepted: What is your favorite class so far? Caroline: I’ve had a lot of really amazing professors, but my favorite class so far is HANDS DOWN Decision Analysis (DA), taught by Casey Lichtendahl. DA is all about helping us apply rigorous quantitative analysis to management decisions, so a lot of Excel, statistics, and game theory. Casey made what could have been the driest subject on Earth exciting, and really taught us how to learn from each other. It’s clear he loves teaching and truly cares about making sure we understand the material and how using it will make us better managers. Accepted: Are you involved in any clubs on campus? How central to student life is club involvement? Caroline: I’m involved in a number of clubs in both leadership and membership roles. I’m the president of the Darden Bloggers, and also a member of Graduate Women in Business, the General Management Operations Club, Cold Call Chorus, the Outdoors Club, and the Running Club. Being involved in this many clubs is pretty normal, which I love. Almost every part of the school outside of classes is run by students, so clubs are central to the experience. Accepted: Can you recommend a cozy coffee shop or some other good spot for studying on or near campus? Caroline: Darden itself has a number of beautiful study spots, including my favorite, the piano room. It’s a big, beautiful, open space with lots of light, leather couches and chairs, two fireplaces, a view of our grassy courtyard, and of course a piano. If you’re there later in the evening, you can often hear classmates blowing off steam by playing anything from Mozart to Bruno Mars. The McGregor Room in the Alderman Library on UVA’s main grounds is also a great place to study – dark wood paneling, leather chairs, and tables with reading lamps. It feels like the quintessential old school library. Accepted: Looking back, what would you say was the hardest part of the MBA application process? How did you work to overcome that challenge? Caroline: I had known for a while why I wanted to go to business school, so writing my story in the essays was one of the easier parts for me. Studying all those math concepts on the GMAT that I hadn’t seen in ten years was definitely the hardest. I did a lot of studying on my own, asking friends to share their study materials, and I ended up scraping by. While I certainly didn’t get a bad score, let’s just say it wasn’t the strength of my applications. If I had it to do over again, I’d leave enough time to take the test more than once, and also pay to take a class so that I could get some tailored guidance and accountability for staying on track with my studying. Accepted: Any other tips for our readers? Caroline: At the end of last year, I wrote a blog post on why I chose Darden that laid out my priorities for choosing a school, which I think are helpful for anyone considering applying to business school: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Choose a school that will challenge you intellectually. Coming into Darden, I had zero finance, accounting, marketing, or operations experience either in the classroom or in my job. I knew that the core curriculum (which includes all those subjects) would really push me in areas I hadnt experienced before. That was exciting to me and was also what I thought would be critical for my long-term career. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Choose a school that will keep you happy. I know that Im really affected by the aesthetics of my surroundings. I know that I really like seeing people I know every day, and working in teams. So the beauty of the Darden grounds and the strength of its community were key to my decision to come here. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Choose a school you want to build a long-term relationship with (and will make you proud to be associated with). Dardens alumni network is really strong and very proud. And on top of that, everyone Ive met, from current students to alums, is always willing to help. Its great to be a part of such a supportive network.   For one-on-one guidance on your b-school application, please see our MBA Application Packages. For specific advice on how to create the best application for UVA Darden, see UVA Darden 2014 MBA Application Questions, Deadlines, Tips. //

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The First Ten Presidents of the United States

How much do you know about each of the first ten presidents of the United States? Here is an overview of the key facts that you should know about these individuals who helped form the new nation from its very beginning to the time when sectional differences were starting to cause problems for the nation.   The First Ten Presidents George Washington - Washington was the only president to be elected unanimously (by the electoral college; there was no popular vote). He set precedents and left a legacy that has established the tone for presidents to this day.John Adams - Adams nominated George Washington to become the first president and was subsequently chosen as the first Vice President. Adams served only one term but had a huge impact during Americas foundational years.Thomas Jefferson - Jefferson was a staunch anti-federalist who just happened to increase the size and power of the federal government when he completed the Louisiana Purchase with France. His election was more complicated than you might realize.  James Madison - Madison was president during what was called the second war of independence: the War of 1812. He is also called the Father of the Constitution, in honor of his instrumental role in creating the Constitution. At 5 feet, 4 inches, he was also the shortest president in history.  James Mo nroe - Monroe was president during the Era of Good Feelings, yet it was during his time in office that the fateful Missouri Compromise was reached. This would have a major impact on future relations between slave and free states.John Quincy Adams - Adams was the son of the second president. His election in 1824 was a point of contention due to the Corrupt Bargain that many believe resulted in his selection by the House of Representatives. Adams served in the Senate after losing re-election to the White House. His wife was the first foreign-born First Lady.  Andrew Jackson - Jackson was the first president to garner a national following and enjoyed unprecedented popularity with the voting public. He was one of the first presidents to truly use the powers given to the President. He vetoed more bills than all previous presidents combined and was known for his strong stance against the idea of nullification.Martin Van Buren - Van Buren  served only one term as president, a period ma rked by few major events. A depression began during his presidency that lasted from 1837-1845. Van Burens show of restraint in the Caroline Affair may have prevented war with Canada.William Henry Harrison - Harrison died after only one month in office. Three decades before his term as President, Harrison was Governor of the Indiana Territory when he led forces against Tecumseh in the Battle of Tippecanoe, earning himself the nickname Old Tippecanoe. The moniker eventually helped him win the presidential election.  John Tyler - Tyler became the first vice president to succeed to the presidency upon the death of the William Henry Harrison. His term included the annexation of Texas in 1845.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Two Love Stories in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

The Pride and Prejudice is classical love novel by Jane Austen. It is illustration of two love stories, one between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy Fitzwilliam and the other between Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley. The story starts off with the arrival of two young wealthy men one being Charles Bingley and the other being, Darcy Fitzwilliam. The Bennet family, a local family in the town, has two daughters who are of marrying age. The Bennet family sees this as an opportunity and attempts to find proper suitors for their daughters. One suitor is a distant cousin of Elizabeth named Mr. Collins and another being Darcy Fitzwilliam. The proposals of both Mr. Collins and Darcy were similar in that they use they use logos and pathos but lack the use of ethos. The lack of ethos was the detrimental factor for Elizabeth’s denial of both Mr. Collins and Darcy Fitzwilliam. Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy are similar in their logos appeal. Mr. Collins has three reasons why he wanted to marry Elizabeth Bennet. â€Å"My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it is a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like myself) to set to set the example of matrimony in his parish; second, that I am convinced that it will add very greatly to my happiness; and thirdly-which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness...† (19.1,2). As a clergyman it would set an example byShow MoreRelatedEssay on Jane Austin and Pride Prejudice1457 Words   |  6 PagesJane Austin is currently known today as one of the women who first developed the ideas related to feminism (Abrams). Jane’s work became prevalent in English literature during time of transition from neo-classicism to romanticism (Abrams). She was influenced by a number of other literary figures of her time, and by the society in which she lived. Her writing sometimes reflected earlier writers, whom she sometimes mocked because they always portrayed a perfect world in their writing and the world wasRead More Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice1216 Words   |  5 PagesJane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin was and English writer who wrote during the early 1800’s. She was born and brought up in Seventon, Hampshire, Southern England. She was born the fifth child to a family of seven and began writing for family amusement as a child. Of her â€Å"six great novels†, four were published anonymously and two were published under her signature after her death. Her anonymous novels were â€Å"Sense and Sensibility†, â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†, Mansfield Park† and â€Å"Emma†Read MoreLiving in Social Classes in Jane Austins Novels816 Words   |  3 PagesJane Austin is a great author from the 1800s. I really enjoyed the few books of hers, that I did get around to reading .I enjoyed the movie adaptions even more, Jane focused on things she thought about and used humor to point out the lives of the middle class, the wealthy, nobility, and families in different financial standings, battling to keep up or with their social status. Jane puts most of her focus and writing into the importance of marriage. She lived with her family her entire lifeRead MoreAnalysis of Chapter 11 of Pride and Prejudice Essay786 Words   |  4 PagesChapter 11 of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen opens with two lines from the third person, or omniscient narrator, who is focalizing through Elizabeth Bennett. Focalizing, meaning that it is the narrators voice that speaks, but we see through the eyes of the characters, gives us the chance to understand the characters without direct dialogue. By telling us that Elizabeth was growing more angry but trying to compose herself (Pride and Prejudice, p148) you start to understand that somethingRead MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1446 Words   |  6 Pagesadaptions to Jane Austen’s: Pride and Prejudice; two well-known versions would be Sue Birtwistle’s 1995 BBC miniseries and Joe Wright’s 2005 version. Both films depict a love story between a man and a woman who have to overcome a series of obstacles to end up together. It is clear that these two very different directors interpret the original novel in their own way, but is it more important to stay true to the original, or to tweak and change some of it? When it comes to Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceRead More With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen1247 Words   |  5 Pagesnovel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and Predujice With particular reference to the novel opening, how does Jane Austen present the role of women in pride and prejudice? Pride and prejudice was first published in 1893, this was a time when it just became acceptable for women to write and publish books. Pride and prejudice was set in the early 19th century in rural England. Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet,Read MoreEssay on Jane Austens Middle-class Female987 Words   |  4 PagesJane Austens Middle-Class Female Jane Austin insightfully portrays the class mentalities of the middle and upper classes during the early nineteenth century in her novel Pride and Prejudice. Society then was overly preoccupied with the distinction of classes, and with these shameless distinctions there existed an obvious hierarchy that governed peoples behavior and obligations to their respective societies. Austens story focuses on Elizabeth Bennet and her family, who are well-to-do membersRead MorePride and Prejudice by Jane Austen1363 Words   |  6 Pagesof Mr. Darcy As Jane Austin establishes, through the voice of Mrs. Bennet, â€Å"†¦Lizzy does not lose much by suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing† (Austen 9) she forms the general consensus of the sentiment that a majority of the characters feel for Mr. Darcy throughout Pride and Prejudice. Cold, rude, arrogant, and snobbish are what many characters consider Darcy due to his actions towards society and, especially, Elizabeth, Jane, and Wickham throughoutRead MoreComparison Of Jane Eyre And Pride And Prejudice 2081 Words   |  9 PagesContrast the Social Caste System and Personal Ideations in the books â€Å"Jane Eyre† by Emily Bronte and â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† by Jane Austin Two names that ran the gauntlet of 19th century romance and changed the way on how it was written and depicted forever. These two history changing authors names were Jane Austen and Emily Bronte. Two well-known novels of the 19th century (â€Å"Jane Eyre† by Emily Bronte and â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† by Jane Austin) both have similarities, but also differences on how the charactersRead More Gullivers Travels vs Pride and Prejudice Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesGullivers Travels vs Pride and Prejudice Civility, as stated in the Webster’s Dictionary, as polite or courteous is represented in the novels Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin and in Part IV of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. Civilization, as seen in the novels Pride and Prejudice and Gulliver’s Travels, is depicted as an act of human nature as compared to the act of savages. Human beings can be civilized and uncivilized depending on the way the reason things out or the way they

Romeo and Juliet Maturity free essay sample

To Mature or Not to Mature? Maturity plays a key role in love, especially when it comes to young love. In the play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† by William Shakespeare, two characters Romeo and Juliet, exhibit the importance of being mature, and the reason why maturity influences people’s actions and emotions. Sometimes maturity can be seen through Juliet, and other times it is the exact opposite and can be seen through Romeo. Firstly, Juliet expresses her maturity by respecting her elders and accepting their wishes. Juliet obediently agrees with her mother of accepting Paris’ love and marriage proposal without hesitation, even though she seemed to not be too fond of the idea, stating that she will â€Å"look to like, if looking liking move. /But no more deep will I endart mine eye/ than your consent gives strength to make it fly† (1. 4. 50-51). This shows that even though Juliet is just turning fourteen, she is well beyond her years when it comes to respect and maturity. We will write a custom essay sample on Romeo and Juliet Maturity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, once she meets Romeo, her priorities start to become crooked. After knowing Romeo for only a couple of hours, if not minutes, Juliet shows her true age when she finds out who Romeo actually was; saying â€Å" If he be married/my grave is like to be my wedding bed† (1. 5. 148-149). In stating this, she is saying that she will rather die than marry someone else. Seeing as that they have only known each other for a short period of time, and it seems that Juliet has already fallen in love with Romeo, Juliet shows that she can be immature at times because of her rushing in to love. Unlike Juliet, Romeo is depicted as an emotional, but headstrong character that is sometimes blinded with the idea of love. When Mercutio and Benvolio thought it was a good idea to go to the party at the Capulet’s household Romeo was wise enough to realize the dangers in going to the ball saying that â€Å" And we mean well in going to this masque, / But tis no wit to go† (1. 4. 50-51). By him stating this he shows that he is wise enough to know that it would not end well by going to the Capulet’s masquerade ball. This also shows how mature Romeo can be when everyone else around him is acting oolish. Nevertheless, Romeo can be immature when it comes to love. After feeling down because he was rejected by Rosaline in the morning, Romeo seemed to have forgotten all about her and his broken heart by the evening, after seeing Juliet for the first time saying â€Å"Did my heart love till now? For swear it, sight, / for I have ne’er saw true beauty till this nig ht† (1. 5. 59-60). By him saying this, it revealed that Romeo wasn’t in love with Rosaline; he was lovesick, which also reveals how spontaneous and immature his love with Juliet is. As seen in the play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, by William Shakespeare, maturity plays a big role in love and how characters can act upon their feelings and emotions. Juliet is less mature than Romeo when it comes to her being so young and naive that she does not know how to control her feelings. And Romeo is less mature than Juliet when it comes to him being spontaneous after being blinded by love. Not only does this play show that Romeo and Juliet are both immature, but it also shows that the more mature person is, which would be Romeo. All in all, maturity shapes a relationship and it can either make or break one too.