Monday, December 30, 2019

Art History Basics on Performance Art 1960s-Present

The term Performance Art got its start in the 1960s in the United States. It was originally used to describe any live artistic event that included poets, musicians, filmmakers, etc. - in addition to visual artists. If you werent around during the 1960s, you missed a vast array of Happenings, Events and Fluxus concerts, to name just a few of the descriptive words that were used. Its worth noting that, even though were referencing the 1960s here, there were earlier precedents for Performance Art. The live performances of the Dadaists, in particular, meshed poetry and the visual arts. The German Bauhaus, founded in 1919, included a theater workshop to explore relationships between space, sound, and light. The Black Mountain College (founded [in the United States] by Bauhaus instructors exiled by the Nazi Party), continued incorporating theatrical studies with the visual arts - a good 20 years before the 1960s Happenings happened. You may also have heard of Beatniks - stereotypically: cigarette-smoking, sunglasses and black-beret-wearing, poetry-spouting coffeehouse frequenters of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Though the term hadnt yet been coined, all of these were forerunners of Performance Art. The Development of Performance Art By 1970, Performance Art was a global term, and its definition a bit more specific. Performance Art meant that it was live, and it was art, not theater. Performance Art also meant that it was art that could not be bought, sold or traded as a commodity. Actually, the latter sentence is of major importance. Performance artists saw (and see) the movement as a means of taking their art directly to a public forum, thus completely eliminating the need for galleries, agents, brokers, tax accountants and any other aspect of capitalism. Its a sort of social commentary on the purity of art, you see. In addition to visual artists, poets, musicians, and filmmakers, Performance Art in the 1970s now encompassed dance (song and dance, yes, but dont forget its not theater). Sometimes all of the above will be included in a performance piece (you just never know). Since Performance Art is live, no two performances are ever exactly the same. The 1970s also saw the heyday of Body Art (an offshoot of Performance Art), which began in the 1960s. In Body Art, the artists own flesh (or the flesh of others) is the canvas. Body Art can range from covering volunteers with blue paint and then having them writhe on a canvas, to self-mutilation in front of an audience. (Body Art is often disturbing, as you may well imagine.) Additionally, the 1970s saw the rise of the autobiography being incorporated into a performance piece. This kind of story-telling is much more entertaining to most people than, say, seeing someone shot with a gun. (This actually happened, in a Body Art piece, in Venice, California, in 1971.) The autobiographical pieces are also a great platform for presenting ones views on social causes or issues. Since the beginning of the 1980s, Performance Art has increasingly incorporated technological media into pieces - mainly because we have acquired exponential amounts of new technology. Recently, in fact, an 80s pop musician made the news for Performance Art pieces which use a Microsoft ® PowerPoint presentation as the crux of the performance. Where Performance Art goes from here is only a matter of combining technology and imagination. In other words, there are no foreseeable boundaries for Performance Art. What Are the Characteristics of Performance Art? Performance Art is live.Performance Art has no rules or guidelines. It is art because the artist says it is art. It is experimental.Performance Art is not for sale. It may, however, sell admission tickets and film rights.Performance Art may be comprised of painting or sculpture (or both), dialogue, poetry, music, dance, opera, film footage, turned on television sets, laser lights, live animals and fire. Or all of the above. There are as many variables as there are artists.Performance Art is a legitimate artistic movement. It has longevity (some performance artists, in fact, have rather large bodies of work) and is a degreed course of study in many post-secondary institutions.Dada, Futurism, the Bauhaus and the Black Mountain College all inspired and helped pave the way for Performance Art.Performance Art is closely related to Conceptual Art. Both Fluxus and Body Art are types of Performance Art.Performance Art may be entertaining, amusing, shocking or horrifying. No matter which adje ctive applies, it is meant to be memorable. Source: Rosalee Goldberg: Performance Art: Developments from the 1960s, The Grove Dictionary of Art Online, (Oxford University Press)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity - 1807 Words

The most daunting threat to human civilization no longer consists of nature or acts of war, but rather the very ideas and innovations that are often conjured up by engineers. â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.† – Albert Einstein. Technological advancements in the medical, industrial, and agricultural industries have expanded the carrying capacity of the earth several times over as well as lengthened the average lifespan for human beings. However, as technology advances to improve life, it also begins to create opportunities for misapplications that could allow the quality of life to regress. A major focus of recent technological innovations has been the creation of new artificially intelligent systems. For the most part, these are algorithms used to resolve minor problems in which critical thinking is required and a human interaction is just an expendable luxury. These softwares are relatively non-life threatening for humans. Nonetheless, technologies do have the ability to impact much of an individual’s life in the sense that, in the modern day, electronic servers largely hold a person’s net worth. The real danger from these artificially intelligent algorithms becomes apparent when they are coupled with hardware components. This sci-fi fiction thriller theme cast in the next century is already being realized. Artificial intelligence ranges from voice recognitions, to autopilot features, to critical defense systems. WithShow MoreRelatedTechnology Has Exceeded Our Humanity1511 Words   |  7 PagesTechnological Terror Famous mathematician, Albert Einstein once said, â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.† What Einstein is trying to say is that what had once made us human has vanquished into thin air with the growth of technology in our society today. The Earth is constantly in motion and so is the human race. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Supply chain management in Starbucks and its impact on company performance Free Essays

INTRODUCTION – BACKGROUND: Supply chain management has become a hot topic over the past twenty years. Before getting into the details, we need to define what supply chain management is. Even though it has been suggested that there is little agreement on a definition for supply chain management (Burgess et al, 2006), one definition we could use could be the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole (Mentzer et al. We will write a custom essay sample on Supply chain management in Starbucks and its impact on company performance or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 2001, p. 18). Companies now understand the importance of supply chain management better than the previous decades. In starbucks for example, with the increase of operational costs followed by the shrink of sales, they put into action a supply chain strategy in order to reduce their costs and maintain their competiveness in the market. An effective supply chain management could impact on the organisation’s financial performance: profitability, liquidity, and productivity or asset utilization (Christopher, 1998). A real difference â€Å"through the customer value that is created by superior service† (Christopher and Peck, 2003, p. 46) could also be generated from a successful supply chain management. To get to that nice cup of starbucks coffee, it takes a smooth run of the supply chain to make that happen. The main reason is the fact that the journey from bean in South American or African farm to a cup in a starbucks coffee shop is a paved with obstacles. Coffee and other related commodities are to be successfully supplied from different parts of the world and conveyed to the 16,700 starbucks coffee shops, which are visited by around 50 million clients in 51 countries every week. However in 2008, faced with the increasing costs of its functioning, the decrease of its revenues, and when the costs of its American supply chain department went from $750 million to over $825 million, they started realising that the company’s supply chain management as a whole was not effectively carrying its mission. One reason could be the high tempo at which starbucks was opening branches all around the world with their supply chain finding it hard to keep up with that pace. According to Peter D. Gibbons, who is starbucks executive vice president of global supply chain operations, the company’s growth has been so fast and in a short period of time that even the supply chain basic ground rules were not set up. The direct result of that neglects the increase of the costs of the supply chain operations in general. To get the link between costs and performance here back in perfect synchronisation, many areas have to be looked at. According to Porter (1980), the two basic competitive approaches are cost advantage and differentiation. A well led reducing costs plan create costs advantages, while a better level of customization and service tend to boost the profitability. One of the problems with starbucks supply chain was the delivery time. This latter could be solved with a better standard of services through well-organized order capture, by making sure that the different ingredients or materials are always available etc†¦ Supply chain management produces differentiation â€Å"through the customer value that is created by superior service† (Christopher and Peck, 2003, p. 46). And on top of that, there is a strong relation between increased levels of service and increases in sales volume and customer maintenance (Parasuraman et al, 2004). This would just prove that an effective progress on the supply chain would have a direct effect on cutting costs with still a good customer service. Such initiati ve is meant to diminish the business cost tariffs which would positively impact on the profitability of the company. An initiative like this would incorporate: Reducing inventory holding costs through improved inventory management (Stapleton et al, 2002) Identifying and eliminating non-value adding supply chain activities (Hines and Rich, 1997) and the different costs related to them. The inventory aspect of the supply chain management is really crucial. A significant reduction of the inventory would improve asset effectiveness and exploitation. Fewer inventories also means less functioning costs related to doing inventory. Basically, a decrease in inventory positively impacts on the cash-to-cash cycle therefore more liquidity (Christopher and Ryals, 1999; Farris and Hutchison, 2002). LITERATURE REVIEW: Previous work exists on the tie between supply chain and the performance of a company (Christopher and Ryals, 1999). However, businesses are said to be sourcing around 75 % of the value of therir services and goods from the supply chain (Trent, 2004). Others researches based on the effects of amelioration in the supply on the financial sidehave shown that in the short term, when we have a high level of inventory, this would have no direct negative impact on the price-to-book ratio. However in the long run it could get to a reduced stock market value (Chen etal, 2005). In the retail industry for example, a connection between the floor space and inventory show better operating stores are the ones with a higher inventory turn per unit area (Raman and Gaur, 2005). It is important to find the right amount of stock to have; because too much stock is as bad as too little stock as they both affect the business performance. Businesses with low (not lowest) levels of inventory would be more likely to have a good long-term stock market performance (Chen et al, 2005); but it could also be due to better inventory management strategies. Even if business performance is evaluated by market and financial criteria, a short-term approach of the supply chain management objectives would improve the efficiency and diminish the lead time and level of inventory; while on the other hand, a long term approach of supply chain management objectives would raise market share (Koh et al.2007). business performance is is affected through supply chain management through different elements such as : lead time, inventory turnover, product return, sales level, cost reduction and meeting customers’ expectations (Petrovic-Lazarevic et al. 2007)’ Lead time: time elapsed from the moment the customer makes an order and when it is completely satisfied (Chan 2001). Businesses are under pressure to reduce their manufacturing lead time. Shorter lead time means that firms will be able to swiftly react to changing market demands (Wadhwa et al., 2005; Chan and Qi, 2003). Inventory turnover: this measures the speed with which goods move through and are replenished by the sytem (Sahay and Mohan2003). Product return: to capture the market and keep the customers satisfied, it is crucial for a business to have good quality products (Chan and Kumar 2007). Sales level: this indicator help showing whether the business has a good market share or not. Cost reduction: in (Fawcett et al. 2008) it is clearly shown that a well operated supply chain will considerably help reduce costs. Meeting customers’ requirements: at the end of the day, this is what the business is for. It is all about satisfying the clients and going beyond its expectations. As ( Huang et al 2002) mentioned, development in the supply chain management leads to a better response to customer expectations. Innovation performance: a good supply chain management network allows businesses to share information both internally and externally. This help improving the company performance. There are other works that also show the relationship between supply chain management and an organizational performance (Petrovic-Lazarevic et al., 2007). Others researches based their study on almost 200 firms realised that supply chain management could lead to competitive advantage and at the same time ameliorate the business performance (Li et al. 2006). RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS: This project proposes to prove the importance and benefit of supply chain management within starbucks organisation and the vital role it plays for any business performance. Emphasis will be on the period from October 2007 onwards, since this is the period during which starbucks’ sales started going down, and its supply chain costs rose. Particularly, concentration will be on the following questions: What is starbucks supply chain management policy What is starbucks corporate social responsibility What are their coffee purchasing and supply chain practices What is the effectiveness of Starbucks operational strategies How does their supply chain management affect their expansion strategy RESEARCH AND DESIGN: The methodology which will be used here in order to cover the research objectives will for the most part be based on qualitative research through semi-structured interviews so that i will still be able to come up with questions during the interviews. If well led, these interviews could also help me collecting specific information needed to answer the research objectives. There will also be use of quantitative methods, which will be presented through charts and diagrams. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Primary data will be collected from interviews while secondary data will be collected from published documents on supply chain management, measurement of company performance from responsible and respected publishers such as supply chain digest, world trade logistics journal, supply demand chain executive, logistic quarterly, 3PL wire, DC velocity. Data will also be collected from the university of Westminster database system. Demands for interviews are being arranged. If accepted, they will be likely to last for an hour and will probably be conducted in July 2011. Data will be analysed through the use of grounded theory. That will help verifying the hypothesis and identify the potential policies being implemented to easily solve them. Data will also be analysed through the process of going through and reading the data. PRELIMINARY INDICATION OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Expected results as suggested in the literature review are anticipated to show the importance and positive effect of supply chain management for Starbucks Company. TIME SCALE: Between the submission of the proposal and the submission of the project, i will arrange to meet up with my supervisor at least 4 times per month until the end of October. The project should be finished by the end of November when i will submit it. REFERENCE: How to cite Supply chain management in Starbucks and its impact on company performance, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Industrial Grinders Case free essay sample

G’s large quantity of steel rings are on hand and the substantial inventory of special steel for their manufacture. And this steel as inventory can’t be sold. I. G had manufactured industrial machines for sale in numerous countries for nearly 70 years. It means it has market to sale rings no matter whether it is steel or plastic ring. These rings could be supplied for their own machines too. In general the plants were allowed considerable leeway in administering their own affairs. Bridgeman has right to make market strategy in time. During slack periods, company has a policy of employing excess labor on various make-work projects rather than laying the men off. At that time, the salary is at about 70% of regular wages. Low labor cost will decrease the cost of production. There are a lot of steel rings on hand and can’t be sold. The total book value of these inventories exceeded ,000. We will write a custom essay sample on Industrial Grinders Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Large inventory means less liquid cash. Maybe it influences operation in the future. Now I. G only has steel rings and these rings have higher cost than plastic rings. Also the lives of steel rings are shorter than plastic rings. I. G’s competitor Henri Poulenc has already started selling plastic rings at the same price as steel rings. And if I. G makes plastic rings, it can start selling only after 4 months so by then Henri Poulenc will take over more market shares. The competitiveness of I. G is very weak now. The ring innovation is an opportunity for I. G, but also a kind of threat. When instead of steel rings, plastic ring I. G starts using it gives I. G a chance to reform. It could cut down the cost and improve the quality of rings. If I. G switches from steel rings to plastic rings successfully, it could expand business and get more profits because of low cost, so it’s an opportunity. However, the competitor had plastic rings in advance than I. G, so it’s threaten for I. G. Competitor could use this advantage to get more business. It maybe threat to I. G’s operation and profits. In the early 1970, Japanese manufacturers had successfully entered the field with low priced spare parts. Other companies also had appeared with low quality and lower price machines. The competition would become more intense. More competitors share one market, so each supplier needs to improve competitiveness. It’s a new challenge. After analyzing internal and external situation of I. G, we can say that I. G has strong operational capacity. However, the core problem is what to be done about the steel inventory. I. G should start developing plastic rings as soon as possible and start using those. Because the core of competition is production, even though steel ring still has its value now, the plastic ring will substitute for it sooner or later. The strong competitor of I. G is Henri Poulenc. It has already introduced plastic rings. Only if I. G produces plastic ring in time it can compete with Henri Poulenc and stop them from grasping more market share. In addition, plastic ring has lower cost and longer life than steel ring. The Table A shows the cost of 100 plastic rings is $66. 60, but 100 steel rings cost $263. 88. Obviously, if they sale at the same price, 100 plastic rings will get $197. 25 more profit than steel rings. However, Anders Ericsson, the development engineer, estimated that the plastic rings could be produced by mid-September, so before mid-September, I. G has to sell steel rings on hand. Fortunately, Henri Poulenc was said to be selling the plastic ring at about the same price as the I. G steel ring, so I. G wouldn’t get strong shock from Henri Poulenc. Of course, Henri Poulenc will get higher profit, but only analyzing from the price, I. G and Henri Poulenc are in the same position, so it depends on demanders’ preference which kind of rings they like. And I. G could sell the steel rings in different markets, which are not covered, by plastic rings of Henri Poulenc. It avoids direct conflict. Steel inventory is a big weakness of I. G, so it’s a good time to consume a large amount of steel. Assuming the sales continued at the current rate of 690 rings per week before mid-September, it would consume 19400 steel rings. During the slack time, I. G could ask labors to convert the steel inventory into rings to satisfy the supply amount before mid-September, because at that time, the labor cost will be about 70% of regular wages so that decreases the cost to produce steel rings. Those steel rings only need to satisfy the supply amounts for 4 months using, because after mid-September, plastic ring will be used instead of steel. If there are more steel rings converted than demanded, I. G will pay for labour cost from their pocket. It will waste resources, time and money. So nothing definite can be said about the steel inventory.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Health Policy Critique in Nursng free essay sample

With an Unconventional President re-inventing the perspective of sacrifice within the strength of unity, the birth of a new health policy, is destined in leading towards beneficial changes of affordable high quality health care that all fellow citizens can share. This is the ultimate richness of sacrificial donation, that will inevitably produce greatness in achieving an optimal health reform, strengthening society’s powerful musculature towards a growing united democracy. The fact that the policy Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 is giving more Americans the chance to have access to health care, without paying a fortune, especially for seniors. Many preventative screenings to cancer, cholesterol, and DM2, will be free of charge to Medicare insured. Also, American seniors have been provided a rebate of $250 in 2010, and if they are on Medicare, in 2011, they were also provided a discount of 50% on brand name drugs, with hope of increasing of savings by closing this â€Å"donut hole†. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Policy Critique in Nursng or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This brings an aspect of purposeful willingness to give into the livelihood of American people, no matter how old you become. The sacrifice of abundance towards our seniors will rebound unconditional giving, societal contributions, and preserve dignity within the elder generations. Presently, due to the health reform, an added bonus is that also free of charge, seniors will be able to have an annual Wellness Visit to revise their health and lifestyle personal plan to stay on that path to optimal health. Progressing towards the future will reveal that this Affordable Care Act will continue to expand in covering prescription drugs for seniors free of charge. And what senior doesn’t want to save money? Whether it is to have extra money for travelling, donating to charity organizations, send their grandchildren to university, or towards buying groceries, it will be appreciated by all that extra cash will be at their disposal. Senior Americans across the country will be holding their head up high, and living healthier due to these positive impressions in their health care. Over time, Americans will understand that with these contributions of sacrifice within their society, it will provide a safe covering net of security, that as a collective demonstrating we care for our citizens allows the growth of richness and abundance in livelihood, deserved for all. Editorial3 Reference List Cline, A. (2013). Jesus and the Widows Offering (Mark 12:41-44) . Retrieved March 21, 2013, from About. com Religion and Spirituality. Jeanne Merkle Sorrell, P. F. (2012). Ethics: The Patient Protection and affordable Care Act: Ethical Perspectives in 21st Century Health Care. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 18 No. 1. Robert E. Moffit, P. R. (2012). Obama`s medicare Plan: Seniors Will Pay More. the Heritage Foundation Leadership for America, Issue Brief 1-8. Sebelius, K. (2012). Affordable Care Act- Stronger Benefits to Senoirs, Billions in Savings This Year. Huffost Healthy Living, 1. http://kff. orgehealthreform/8023. cfm http://web. pacific. edu/Administration/Marketing-and-University-Comunications/Media-Relations/What-to-do-When-the -Media-Calls/Writing-an-Editorial. html\=

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Strategies for Building Rapport With Students

Strategies for Building Rapport With Students For teachers, building rapport with students is a component that takes teaching to the next level. Teachers understand that this takes time. Building rapport is a process. It often takes weeks and even months to establish a healthy student-teacher relationship. Teachers will tell you that once you have earned the trust and respect of your students, everything else becomes much easier. When students look forward to coming to your class, you look forward to coming to work each day. Strategies to Build Rapport With Students There are many different strategies through which rapport can be built and maintained. The best teachers are adept at incorporating strategies throughout the year so that a healthy relationship is established, then maintained with each student that they teach. Send students a postcard before school begins letting them know how much you are looking forward to having them in class.Incorporate personal stories and experiences within your lessons. It humanizes you as a teacher and makes your lessons more interesting.When a student is sick or misses school, personally call or text the student or their parents to check on them.Utilize humor in your classroom. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself or the mistakes that you make.Depending on the age and sex of the student, dismiss students with a hug, handshake, or fist bump every day.Be enthusiastic about your job and the curriculum you teach. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. Students will not buy in if a teacher is not enthusiastic.Support your students in their extra-curricular endeavors. Attend athletic events, debate meets, band competitions, plays, etc.Go the extra mile for those students who need help. Volunteer your time to tutor them or hook them up with someone who can give them the extra as sistance they need. Conduct a student interest survey and then find ways to incorporate their interests into your lessons throughout the year.Provide your students with a structured learning environment. Establish procedures and expectations on day one and enforce them consistently throughout the year.Talk to your students about their individual strengths and weaknesses. Teach them to set goals. Provide them with the strategies and tools necessary to reach those goals and improve on their weaknesses.Ensure that each student believes that they are important to you and that they matter to you.From time to time, write students a personal note encouraging them to work hard and embrace their strengths.Have high expectations for all of your students and teach them to have higher expectations for themselves.Be fair and consistent when it comes to student discipline. Students will remember how you handled previous situations.Eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria surrounded by your students. Some of the great est opportunities for building rapport present themselves outside the classroom. Celebrate student successes and let them know you care when they falter or are facing difficult personal situations.Create engaging, fast-paced lessons that grab every student’s attention and keep them coming back for more.Smile. Smile often. Laugh. Laugh often.Do not dismiss a student or their suggestions or ideas for any reason. Hear them out. Listen to them intently. There may be some validity to what they have to say.Talk to your students regularly about the progress they are making in class. Let them know where they stand academically and provide them with a path for improvement if needed.Admit and own up to your mistakes. You will make mistakes and students will be looking to see how you handle things when you do.Take advantage of teachable moments even when on occasion this ventures far away from the actual topic of the day. The opportunities will often have more of an impact on your students than the lesson.Never demean or berate a student in front of their peers. Addr ess them individually in the hall or immediately after class. Engage in casual conversation with students in between classes, before school, after school, etc. Simply ask them how things are going or inquire about certain hobbies, interests, or events.Give your students a voice in your class. Allow them to make decisions on expectations, procedures, classroom activities, and assignments when it is appropriate.Build relationships with the parents of your students. When you have a good rapport with the parents, you typically have a good rapport with their children.Make home visits from time to time. It will provide you with a unique snapshot into their lives, possibly giving you a different perspective, and it will help them see that you are willing to go the extra mile.Make every day unpredictable and exciting. Creating this type of environment will keep students wanting to come to class. Having a room full of students who want to be there is half the battle.When you see students in public, be personable with them. Ask them how they are doing an d engage in casual conversation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FIXED-PRICING CONTRACTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FIXED-PRICING CONTRACTING - Essay Example labor and materials. Therefore, by using these indices the profitability and going concern of small businesses is shield from fluctuating economic conditions. Thus, when there are serious doubts about the economic environment’s stability for prices of labor and materials used by small contracting firms during the period of performance of contract, it is eminent all pre-defined contingencies subject to fluctuations are measured and determined (Stanberry, 2012). Therefore, the fixed-price contracts EPA are the most appropriate type of contacts for small businesses not enjoying any economies of scale and having the desire to grow and expand in a hostile environment where rivalry between firms for the limited market share is intense. Thus, small business owners can take advantage of favorable economic conditions to make supernormal profits when price adjusts upward by negotiating high terms for the ceiling of contract price and negotiating low base level prices during adverse economic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Are the Economic Effects of Atlantic City Casino Closing Research Paper

What Are the Economic Effects of Atlantic City Casino Closing - Research Paper Example The major factor contributing towards the closing of casinos in Atlantic City is determined to be plummeting revenues. Numerous factors have been identified that can be attributed to the reducing revenue of the casinos in the city. Few prominent factors are briefly evaluated below. Atlantic City has always been a place of tourist attractions. However, the financial crisis witnessed by the US and the heightened casinos' competition have the dramatic impact on tourists visiting the city. The numbers of tourist visiting the city have been declining, which has negatively influenced the expectations of casinos owners in the city. In addition, the aging casinos in Atlantic City followed by an opening of new casinos in other cities have significantly drawn the attention of tourists towards other cities. One of the major reasons behind increasing competition is that during the financial crisis, many states opened new casinos to increase their tax collection. Notably, intense competition has radically contributed towards the massive fall in gambling revenue of the casinos in Atlantic City. Atlantic City is the home to magnificent and luxurious hotels. Visitors across the world visit Atlantic City and spend their leisure time with their family members and friends. The diminishing number of tourists has increased their operating cost while reducing the overall revenue. The failure of the tourism and gambling industry to respond effectively to the changing trend has forced the hoteliers to close out their hotels and casinos.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Macro Article Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Macro Article Analysis - Research Paper Example The key economic elements are of unemployment include the government spending, inflation and growth targets, private investment, interest rate, consumption and budget deficit. The economic factors could be related to unemployment in a number of ways. Government spending can be used to increase output in the economy but sometime growth creates inflation. Inflation is an evil that has to be avoided as it is an indirect way of taxing people when prices of commodities are high. Government therefore has inflation targets in relation with growth targets that must be met in order to help its citizens afford to buy and consume products and services in satisfaction of their needs. The government would be most interest in raising GDP growth as a way of increasing unemployment rate for its people and which would have the effect of increasing the purchasing power of its citizens. To increase the output, the same can be done by increased private investment, consumption spending and net exports. H owever at the present the US government is still suffering from budget deficit which represent accumulated result of higher consumption level than income or low saving rate in the past.2 To influence increase private spending, interest rate may be made low by monetary authorities but in the case of United States, it is already very low and yet growth in the economy at pre-crisis level is not fully forthcoming based on the article.3 The graphical analysis of the paper could be understood using the AS-AD model4 where the government could actually manage growth in the economy while attaining desired macroeconomic targets like the promotion of unemployment. To increase growth, government must be able to shift aggregated demand (AS) curve to the right as shown in Figure 1 below. However to do the same there must be increased government spending, private investment, consumption, and net exports.5 Given the present situation of the economy

Friday, November 15, 2019

Markets Segmentation And Market Mix Of Easyjet Marketing Essay

Markets Segmentation And Market Mix Of Easyjet Marketing Essay Introduction Easyjet is a successful example of a European no-frills airline. Founded by the Cypriot Stelios Haji-Iaonnou in 1995, Eayjet gained a dominant market position over time thanks to its excellent marketing strategies. How Easyjet has segmented its market for its major product and what is the marketing mix? Which parts of the marketing mix are done efficiently and which parts need some improvements Markets segmentation and marketing mix of Easyjet Easyjets market segmentation Low-cost airlines like Easyjet, have picked up some customers from their traditional competitors like BA (British Airways) or Air France, but have specially created a large traffic of induction (creating a new market). Easyjet operates in a different way to Ryan Air its direct competitor in the market, which is targeting the leisure traveller for whom the ticket price is important. Easyjet has the same type of clientele for whom the ticket price was slightly less important and also business customers whose companies seek to save on transportation costs, but care about the travels conditions. So Easyjet has two different kind of customers who are leisure customers and the business customers. 1.2 Easyjets marketing mix Any business that does not have a concerted marketed strategy is setting itself up to fail. So what is the Easyjets marketing mix in term of product, place, price and promotion? Product Product is the most important component in an organization. Without a product there is no place, no price, no promotion, and no business. Product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need. It is the core ingredient of the marketing mix and is everything favourable and unfavourable, tangible and intangible received in the exchange of an idea, service or good (Kotler 11th edition, 2003). Easyjet is a business offering service products, flights across destinations, in the transportation industry. Easyjet operates over 500 routes and has 182 aircrafts in 28 countries ( Easy-Jet positions itself as low-cost airlines or better as cutting costs airlines. Its product strategy stops to the actual product without concern about the augmented product. They dont offer service at all but just the ticket. For example Easy-Jets product strategy ends at the expected level of five-product levels. There is no augmented product. There is no business seat on flights (Easyjet offer a mono class of seat but does not offer last minute deals), no executive lounge at airports, no free food and drinks on flights, no entertainment on flights, and in most cases Easy-Jet flies from major airports. Place Easyjet targets customers looking to minimise their transportation costs, or any type of customer looking for a low price. In general Easyjets customer is a customer who started to prefer the plane to land transportation to browse for short distances between different cities served. So Easyjet is competing as well with the airlines as the land transports price Price is the value placed on what is exchanged during the marketing process. The customer exchanges his/her money or donation in return for a satisfaction or utility (S. Dibb and L. Simkin 2001). Easyjet has always had a one-way ticketing policy. The airline has only one price in the market for any one flight at any one time. The lowest fare is offered into the market first and then prices rise as the departure draws closer and the seats are sold. This ticketing philosophy is transparent to consumers. There is a value for money offering, which is easily understood by consumers. By offering only one price in the market, the consumer is confident that shopping around using other channels or making greater ticketing restrictions will not reap the reward of lower fares. As the airline educates their consumers that the cheapest fares are sold first, consumers checking prices are more likely to purchase straightaway as they will have confidence that lower prices are not likely to appear later. The airline only sells tickets on a one-way basis and therefore if a passenger wants a return ticket they must buy two one-way tickets. The advantage of this for passengers is that they can b ook short stay trips without having to pay flexible return ticket prices. For business travellers the availability of flexible tickets is usually considered important. If a business meeting runs over the traveller needs to be able to change their ticket and take a later flight. This depends on two things. Firstly the ability to change the ticket, and secondly the availability of a later flight to change on to. Easyjet has been targeting business travellers and therefore they have addressed these issues by increasing the number of daily flights to key business destinations and by introducing a method of changing tickets. For a fee of  £10 Easyjet passengers can change their ticket to a different flight as long as there is an available seat on the desired flight To reflect the current market price, the traveller will have to pay the difference between the price they originally paid for the ticket and the current price for a seat on the required flight. The airline can then release t he seat no longer required on the original flight and sell this seat again. promotion The distribution policy of Easyjet shows a high use of direct sales from call centre and internet outside traditional distribution channels. 95% of the seats are sold online ( They use electronic ticket, reducing cost of ticketing procedures and remove two Kinds of costs: -commission for travel agencies -transaction related to reservation systems What part of the marketing need to be improved? Easyjet is one of the most successful of the new economy carriers in Europe. So they have a strong marketing strategies and it is going to be a little bite difficult to change this strategy but it can always been improved. Product Easyjet could benefit from randomly offering last-minute deal under its single pricing strategy. By occasionally lowering ticket prices to bump up revenue on some unbooked-flights, Easyjet could create the expectation that such bargains would be available on a predictable basis. Easyjet could create another brand having different mission and different market target and offering an augmented product such a better quality at a low price as Delta Airlines did with Song. Promotion The use of the internet ticketing is dangerous in case of dysfunction of the server because of infection by viruses or any other kind of software problem. It is undeniable that this system reduces cost but it can cause problem if the general is touched by problem. Conclusion If the other marketing strategies enable the company to evaluate everything about the business, only the marketing mix

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Male Prejudices in Susan Glaspells Trifles :: Trifles Essays

Male Prejudices in Trifles Susan Glaspell's Trifles explores male-female relationships through the murder investigation of the character of Mr. Wright. The play takes place in Wright's country farmhouse as the men of the play, the county attorney, the sheriff, and Mr. Hale, search for evidence as to the identity and, most importantly, the motive of the murderer. However, the clues which would lead them to such are never found by the men. Instead it is their female counterparts who discover the evidence needed, and who are able to do so because of their gender. The male investigators need to find, as Mrs. Peters puts it, "'a motive; something to show anger, or--sudden feeling'" (357). Yet the men never see the uneven sewing on a quilt Minnie Wright was working on before the murder. The quilt is a symbol of Minnie's agitation--her anger. The men, though, laugh at the women's wonderings about the quilt. To them it is of little importance. Likewise, the bird and its cage are easily dismissed. In fact, the men just as easily believe a lie about this bird and cage. When the cage is noticed, its broken door overlooked, the county attorney asks, "'Has the bird flown?'" Mrs. Peters replies that the "'cat got it'" (360). There is actually no such cat, but the men do not know that and never question the existence of it. The bird, however, is vital to the case. Mr. Wright killed the bird, Minnie's bird, which may have provoked her to then kill him. In addition, the strangling of Mr. Wright, a form of murder which perplexes all when a gun was handy, is reminiscent of the strangling of that bird. It is another answer to the men's questions, but an answer they never find. The women, on the other hand, take note of all they see. They notice not only the bird, the cage, and the quilt but other things that the men call "trifles," like Minnie's frozen preserves and her request for her apron and shawl. These women are united, it seems, not only as country wives or as neighbors but on the basic level of womanhood. This is apparent from the start of the play. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters "stand close together near the door," emotionally bonded throughout the play and, here, physically, in a way, too. Mrs.